The Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in November 2017 was 102.19 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Tenggara Regency

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The Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in November 2017 was 102.19

Release Date : December 4, 2017
File Size : 0.56 MB


The Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in November 2017 was 102.19, an increase of 0.88 percent compared to October 2017 of 101.30. This increase occurred It has increased by 0.57 percent, while Ib actually decreased by 0.30 percent.
The highest NTP in November 2017 is still achieved horticultural crops sub-sector which reached 112.20 while the lowest still remain in the subsector of plantation crops that still survive at level below 100 that is equal to 88,91.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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 Kec. Kei Kecil

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